HomeThe Lampvol. 5 no. 1 (2023)

Unmasking The Countenance of Fathers with Exceptional Children: A Lifetime Family Dilemma

Joycelyn Reyes | Marlene R. Padua

Discipline: Childrens Nursing



Aim. This paper is a report of a study conducted to explore and describe the lived experiences of fathers with exceptional children. Method. The descriptive phenomenology of Husserl and the methodological interpretation of Colaizzi underpin this study. Purposive sampling was utilized to select the twelve participants. In-depth interviews were used to generate data. Results. Description of the experiences of the fathers had four themes, namely: 1) handcuffed by the situation, 2) torn between two important choices, 3) wishful thinking, and 4) silent cry for help. The essence or meaning of the experience is described as A Lifetime family Dilemma. Conclusion. Exceptional children evoked a wide array of emotional, psychological, and social turmoil from the fathers; and at the same time, brought them difficulties and struggles. Fathers of exceptional children as well as their families experienced a life-changing event that they need to accept, adjust to, and cope with. Having an exceptional child is a lifetime family dilemma, a burden that they have to embrace with love, patience, and commitment.


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