HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 2 (2023)

Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract-Based Localized Supplementary Materials in Improving Grade 4 Cognitive Skills in Mathematics

Arvin Villare | Delon Ching

Discipline: Education



The study aimed to determine the effect of concrete-pictorial-abstract-based localized supplementary materials to the cognitive skills in terms of visualizing, knowing, computing, solving, applying, and proving. How the respondents perceived on the localized supplementary materials as to concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. The study utilized quasi-experimental research design to distinguish the difference on the level of cognitive skills of Grade 4 learners under two groups in the pretest and posttest. Non-random purposive sampling was used to have 80 grade 4 learners as respondents. Researcher-made on respondent’s perception, pretest and posttest, localized supplementary materials, and lesson plans were used in conducting this study. The results revealed that the respondents perceived great extent in the utilization of CPA-based localized supplementary materials as to concrete and pictorial while perceived an extent as to abstract approach. Furthermore, results showed no significant difference between the performance of two groups of respondents during pretest which implies that majority are at the same level before they are being exposed to experiments. Findings posed significant increase in the performance of two groups before and after the experiment. Moreover, it was found out that there is significant difference between posttest scores of control group and experimental group as to cognitive skills. Findings led to the conclusion that concretepictorial-abstract- based localized supplementary materials has positive impact on the cognitive skills of learners. Thus, teachers are encouraged to craft additional localized supplementary materials with CPA approach not only in mathematics but also in other learning areas of different grade levels


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