HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 2 (2023)

Psychological Well-Being as Correlates to Relapse Risk Among People with Stimulant Use Disorders: Basis for After-Care Program

Precious Gail Sta. Isabel | Maria Veronica Felipe

Discipline: Education



Considering the chronic nature of drug addiction, it is common for recovered drug patients to relapse, or go back to using drugs after a period of sobriety most especially if they are not properly equipped with skills and tools to maintain sobriety. This paper responds to this challenge by investigating the correlation between psychological well-being and relapse risk among people in recovery from stimulant use disorders to be able to come up with an after-care program aiming to prevent relapse among them. The study utilized Ryff’s Psychological Well-being Scale and Stimulant Relapse Risk Scale (SRRS) to measure the variables. The study included 154 respondents from various drug treatment centers in the country who were recruited and selected through snowball and purposive sampling methods. The results of the study showed that the respondents’ scores fell within the average level in all dimensions of psychological well-being. For the relapse risk, the respondents had moderate risk in all of the dimensions aside from compulsivity for the drug in which they had a high risk. Pearson-r correlation analysis showed that psychological well-being and relapse risk have a moderate negative correlation with r = -.405 signifying that as psychological wellbeing increases, relapse risk decreases, or vice versa.


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