HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 4 (2023)

Perceived Stress, Well-Being, and Coping Strategies of Grade 12 Students in a Catholic Private Senior High School Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

Trisha Danielle Cajucom | Icha Dale Bulusan | Shannieh Zea Margarette Dulay | John Paulo Diaz | Railey Cj Maejan | Reshalyn Naval | Yda Mariae Tiongson | Attilio Iapichino | Czerilou Quibuyen | Mark Balonquita | Julimie Patricio | Mary Ann Reyes

Discipline: Education



The coronavirus disease (COVID) 2019 crisis had impacted the economic, psychological, and social aspects of the world and, particularly, the educational sector to a great extent. The virus, which first emerged in December 2019, poses a significant challenge to students' learning as a potential stressor, profoundly affecting their psychological well-being. Thus, this research aimed to determine the level of stress, state of well-being, and coping strategies for perceived stressors of Grade 12 Students in a Catholic Private Senior High School amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. This study used a quantitative-descriptive research design thru a survey questionnaire to analyze the level of stress among Senior High School Students during the pandemic. The results indicated that the students faced numerous difficulties, having high levels of stress and well-being in their academic workload and psychological and physical well-being. Despite these difficulties, the students demonstrated remarkable resilience and creativity in devising coping strategies. The most commonly reported coping strategy was watching comfort shows or movies. This finding emphasizes the importance of continued support for students during this unprecedented time, including effective stress management strategies and resources to promote overall well-being. The study sheds light on the need for educational institutions to address the mental health needs of students and provide the necessary support to help them navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic.


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