HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 7 (2023)

Juggling Academics and Work: The Experiences of Marist Working Students

Bea Moreen Canto | Lianne Ashley Gerapusco | Jaufer Lawrence Mangudadatu | Joshua Relatado | Jun Yang Badie

Discipline: Education



This study described the experiences of Marist working students on juggling academics and work. It analyzed the reasons of students for working outside the campus, their performance in school and in work, the challenges they encountered on working while studying, the coping strategies they used as they encountered challenges, and the Marist core values they applied juggling academics and work. The research utilized the qualitative descriptive design using thematic analysis. The study interviewed six students of Notre Dame of Marbel University who worked outside the campus, and they were identified through referral technique. Data were gathered through an interview guide generated by researchers. Furthermore, the researchers conducted in-depth interview in gathering information from the participants. Based on the findings of the study, it was found out that the personal and social responsibilities of the working students make juggling academics and work both challenging and fulfilling. Furthermore, a Marist student considering working should take into consideration the effects of the job on academic work, and the effects of school work on the job, and whether the student has the capability of handling the ups and downs associated with balancing work and academics. In juggling academics and work, the Marist students, applied mixed core values to meet the demands of working and studying, but the prominent core values are the love of work, family spirit, and quality education. A schematic diagram describing the reasons, performance, challenges, and coping mechanisms was created to present the experiences on juggling academics and work of the Marist working students.


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