HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 2 (2023)

Designing an Effective Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Module Using Technology-Assisted Blended Learning Experience (TABLE) Approach

Glen Mirabete | Maricar S. Prudente

Discipline: Education



This action research study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the Technology-Assisted Blended Learning Experience Approach in enhancing students' learning outcomes and promoting critical thinking and problemsolving skills in Science, Technology, and Society (STS) subject. The study was conducted in a tertiary school in an urban area in the Philippines, which involved 3 teachers and 50 college students enrolled in STS. The study employed an action research study design, with the experimental group receiving the Technology-Assisted Blended Learning Experience Approach and the control group receiving the traditional face-to-face teaching method. The study results showed that the Technology-Assisted Blended Learning Experience Approach effectively improved students' performance in STS subject. The treatment and control group test results indicate a significant improvement in students' scores. The mean score of the control group was 60.34%, while the mean score of the treatment group was 84.68%. The use of technology in the blended learning approach provided more flexibility and accessibility to the course materials and resources and allowed students to engage in more interactive and multimedia-rich activities. The teacher played a crucial role in the success of the TechnologyAssisted Blended Learning Experience Approach by providing continuous support and feedback to the students throughout the learning process. The findings of this study have implications for the integration of technology in teaching STS subject and suggest that the Technology-Assisted Blended Learning Experience Approac


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