HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 2 (2023)

Assessment on Entrepreneurial Skills of the Senior High School - Home Economics Students: Basis for a Learning Intervention Plan

Maricar Delas Alas | Arra Faye Lagrana | Kyla Dimapawi | Lovely Feliciano | Michael Gato | Mark Paulo Tanjente | Jaymar Arago

Discipline: Education



Entrepreneurship has a rightful place in Home Economics. This research focused on the assessment of entrepreneurial skills of the Senior High School – Home Economics Students: a basis for a learning intervention plan. The researchers utilized the curriculum guide of Department of Education to assess the entrepreneurial skills in terms of making a business plan and implementing a small case business. It caters 287 SHS HE students taking the track and strand. Based on the results, it was found out that developing a business plan got 4.57 mean which means that the students were strongly agreed that they can prepare and produce a business plan. Meanwhile, 4.38 as strongly agree also in implementing a small business. The Lack of opportunities to attend trainings, seminars, and workshops related to entrepreneurship was a challenge experience of the students. The study recommends school to support the development of entrepreneurial skills of the students to further capacitate them in the industry demand.


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