HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 8 (2023)

A Mixed-Method Approach on the Emotional Intelligence of Both Teachers and Students of Malvar School of Arts and Trade: Basis for An Enhanced Psychological and Counseling Program (EPCP)

Bea Zharina Pascual

Discipline: Education



An attempt by the researcher for a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach on the Emotional Intelligence and Well-Being (EIWB) of both the Teachers and the Students of Malvar School of Arts and Trade. It has been revealed that there was no significant difference between the well-being scores of Teachers (M= 5.02, SD= 1.04) and STudents (M= 4.71, SD= .81); t(86)= 1.56, p= .12. The same with the scores of Teachers for self- control (M= 4.38, SD= .89), emotionality (M= 4.69, SD= .94) and sociability (M= 4.58, SD= .80); and scores of Students for self- control (M= 4.71, SD= .81), emotionality (M= 4.53, SD= .77) and sociability (M= 4.30, SD= .75). Total EI of Teachers (M= 4.72, SD= .78) and STudents (M= 4.47, SD= .63); t(86), p= .10 overall dictates that there is no significant difference between them. Thus, the grouping variable generation group does not affect EIWB. To conclude, this study was done to gather systematic yet categorical sets of data into a bigger or more general hypothesis in order to explain the Emotional Intelligences and its underlying phenomena.


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