HomeMabini Review Journalvol. 11 no. 1 (2022)

Muslim-Christian Goodness of Life as a Philosophical Perspective

Jaime Del Rosario

Discipline: Philosophy



Being Filipinos delving into philosophical discussions necessitates expanding the majority Christian viewpoint that crosses religious affiliation into the Muslim viewpoint as well. In Mindanao, particularly where Filipinos are a blending of Muslims, Christians, various Indigenous People’s communities, and mestizos of genetic and/or cultural hybridity of human identification even extend to various others for further consideration while in the paper the focus is on Muslim-Christian understanding of the notion of goodness of life. Philosophizing in this locality can expand the horizon of Filipinos who philosophize outside of Mindanao. A philosophical perspective needs to understand the ongoing blending of the Muslim and the Christian. Their practices manifest meaning of goodness of life as in their articles of faith, iman in Islam for existence of Allah and life after death, while the Decalogue and sacrament-generated reaching out to neighbors in Christianity may find differences, and yet philosophically bridging similar good aspirations, as supported by the philosophical stance of Emmanuel Levinas exploring the summons on the being of the ‘I’ towards the other for pursuing originary goodness. Similar notions of a creator god emulated in living out love and mercy build up valuing primordial goodness of life itself so that the differently religious other’s life is inviolable. Philosophizing in both religions as expressed in their major tenets deduces the rational human recognized in the other that brings about a philosophical perspective for the Filipinos that leads to averting violence by bringing about peace.


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