HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 7 (2023)

Capturing Effective Teaching: a Photovoice Exploration Through the Eyes of Gen Z Educators

Russel Presto | Henry Lemana III | Lorena Alcanzar | Verleto Florentino

Discipline: Education



In the evolving educational landscape, the generation gap has become a recurring challenge between teachers and students. This gap, defined by differing viewpoints, values, and communication styles among age groups, is particularly significant as Gen Z teachers, the youngest cohort of educators, enter the workforce. This study explores the unique dynamic Gen Z teachers create in the classroom due to their close generational proximity to Gen Z and slightly older students. Employing the innovative photovoice research methodology, five purposively identified Gen Z teachers capture moments and facets of their teaching practices that contribute to effective learning. By revealing five essential themes—Evolution of Pedagogical Strategies, Differentiated Pedagogical Approaches, Technology Integration, Supportive Educational Environments, and Teacher Preparedness—this study offers fresh perspectives on effective teaching, challenging conventional wisdom and encouraging adaptation to the evolving educational landscape. This study provides valuable insights into the dynamic landscape of education, particularly within the context of Gen Z teachers, and offers a range of implications that have far- reaching consequences for teacher training and the broader educational system. It effectively highlights the inherent adaptability of pedagogical strategies, emphasizing their continuous evolution to meet the ever-changing demands of education in the digital age


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