HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 7 (2023)

Organizational Cultures and Attitudes of Elementary Teacher Towards Research: The Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support

Shiela Jane Ulan-Ulan | Tessie G. Miralles

Discipline: Education



Attitude is one of the key elements that determine our level of achievement in life. For all the professions, including teaching, research writing has become essential in professional growth. The intent of this research study was to ascertain how perceived organizational support mediated the relationship between organizational culture of public elementary schools and elementary teacher’s attitudes toward research among three hundred (300) selectively selected teachers from public elementary schools in the District of Malita, Division of Davao Occidental. This study used quantitative using correlation, non-experimental design. The sample consisted of three hundred public school teachers. The data collection technique in this study used an online questionnaire technique via google form. Questionnaires were distributed electronically using convenience sample on selected public-school elementary teachers as is the respondents of this study. Descriptive and correlational statistics were used to assess the results. In this study, the results showed that each variables shows high level in each indicator. It also shown relationship with each other the dependent variable (Organizational culture) as well as the dependent variable (attitudes towards research) among the school elementary teachers. This led to relatively high which means that the teachers observed and experience good governance in the organization or in the school where they belong. Based to the analysis, the mediating variable has no bearing on the correlation between the independent and dependent variables. It is recommended that the challenges of teacher facing in learning research courses or training should be addressed from higher rank officials to the teacher’s level.


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