HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 8 (2023)

Level of Disaster Preparedness of Public Secondary Schools in a District

Loida Medrano

Discipline: Education



This study wanted to evaluate the disaster preparedness of secondary schools in Sta Cruz district, a division of Zambales. The study utilized the descriptive cross-sectional design of research using a survey questionnaire. It was conducted in the ten (10) secondary schools in the Sta Cruz district, which is participated by ten school heads and 266 teachers. Data was gathered using a researcher-made close-ended questionnaire with 4-point rating scales. F-Test at 5% alpha of significance was employed in determining whether there is a significant difference in the perceived level of disaster preparedness across schools. T-test at 5% alpha of significance was used to test the significant difference between the perceptions of school heads and teachers on the level of school disaster preparedness. Frequency count, percentage, and weighted mean were other descriptive statistical tools used in the study. The investigation discovered that most of the teachers are in their young and adulthood age or 31-40 years old, and a majority of them are married females with units in master's degree holding teacher one position. The four (4) domains for disaster preparedness to planning, facilities, implementation, and integration were well implemented. However, the school needs improvement in facilities like the use and availability of alarms, fire extinguishers, and school mechanical systems. There was no significant difference in the school's perceived level of disaster preparedness. Also, there was no significant difference between the perception of school heads and teachers in the domains. To enhance the study, future researchers may delve more into the type of hazards encountered or experienced in the school in a specific time frame; this will give specific data on school preparedness for specific possible hazards.


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