HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 8 (2023)

Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, Teaching Efficiency and Performance of Science Teachers: Implication to Enhancement Program

Evelyn Paguntalan

Discipline: Education



This study was conducted to determine the extent of self-efficacy and teaching efficiency of science teachers and their relationship to teaching performance. The descriptive-correlational research design which made use a researcher-made questionnaire was employed to 30 science teachers by total enumeration and 320 randomlyselected students of DepEd District of Candoni, Division of Negros Occidental. The mean, t-test/ANOVA, and Pearson r were used for data analysis. It was found that teachers’ self-efficacy was at a high extent, as viewed by both themselves and their students. Teachers considered their level of teaching efficiency to be at a very high extent in the aspects of time management, classroom management and the teaching-learning process. In the two remaining aspects, academic qualification and lesson planning, teachers viewed their efficiency to be at a high extent. When viewed by their students, teachers’ teaching efficiency was rated to be at a very high extent in the aspects of lesson planning and the teaching-learning process, while only at a high extent in other aspects. Science teacher performance was rated as very satisfactory. There was a significant difference between the extent of teachers’ self- efficacy and efficiency, particularly in the aspects of teachers’ academic qualification, time management, classroom management, and the teaching-learning process. As rated by their students, there was a highly significant difference between the teachers’ extent of self-efficacy and their efficiency across the specified aspects. There was no significant relationship between the teachers’ extent of self-efficacy and their corresponding performance. Lastly, only the aspect of classroom management in terms of teaching efficiency has significant relationship with teachers’ teaching performance.


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