HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 8 (2023)

The Effect of Principal Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction Among School Administrators

Analyn C. Suazo | Roel Villocino

Discipline: Education



The general objective of this research was to find out the significant relationship between principal leadership styles and job satisfaction among school administrators of Trento District, Division of Agusan del Sur. The study used descriptive correlational research design. The data gathering tools were adopted from Atif Saleem Sarfraz Aslam Hong-biao Yin and Congman Rao and Lester questionnaires and were administered through purposive sampling technique among teachers and universal sampling technique for school administrators. Weighted mean and Pearson r were used as statistical tool to obtain the result. The results showed that the level of principal leadership styles was high which means oftentimes manifested. In addition, the level of job satisfaction was high which means oftentimes evident. It was found out that there was a significant relationship between principal leadership styles and job satisfaction. The overall r-value obtained 0.3 which explicitly shows that there is a weak positive correlation manifested from the related indicators. From this study, as the level of principal leadership style increases, the job satisfaction also increases and vice versa.


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