Understanding Group Cohesion and Teamwork Among College Students in Online Learning
Rexur Mar Dulinayan | Juben Ira Mariano | Maylyn Grace Abella | Jasmine Nicole Layugan | Kristine Ann Israel
Discipline: Education
The shift from face-to-face to online mode of learning has impacted student’s teamwork. Existing studies
show its relevance mostly to sports, medical fields, organizations, and the workplace but limited to academic
settings, especially in the online mode of learning. Thus, the pursuit of the study that aims to explore the role
of group cohesion to teamwork among college students at Saint Mary’s University (SMU) during online
learning (n=365). This project uses a quantitative approach, utilizing descriptive-comparative-correlational
survey design. Descriptive surveys are used to measure the demographic profile, the level of group cohesion,
and the level of teamwork of the respondents. Moreover, a comparative approach is used to contrast the level
of group cohesion and teamwork of college students to their demographic profile. Furthermore, a
correlational approach is used to determine the relationship of the level group cohesion and teamwork.
Results revealed that group cohesion and teamwork vary between sexes, ages, schools and year levels, and
group sizes. Moreover, results presented a positive relationship of group cohesion and teamwork. Therefore,
with respect to the results of the study, recommendation for the institution, college students,
teachers/instructors, and future researchers were made.
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