HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 3 (2023)

World of Physics: A Gamified Supplementary Material for Students in Grade 9

Jennifer Culala

Discipline: Education



No matter the season, weather, or event, students have been consistently lacking the motivation and energy to continue pushing through their studies and homework. Physics remains to be one of the most difficult subjects in the sciences due to the number of concepts and equations it has. Gamification is the concept of placing, adapting, and extracting game elements into non-game subjects which allow for a rise in motivation and interaction between students and lessons. With the idea of Csikszentmihalyi’s Flow Theory, Ryan and Deci’s Self-Determination Theory, Kraiger’s Model of Course Performance, and Lander’s Theory of Gamification in mind, the researcher created an RPG game known as “World of Physics' ' with the game making platform RPGMAKER MV. The material was implemented to four Grade 9 rooms in total after using purposive sampling to include only students with laptops and PCs due to limitations in the game-making software. The researcher implemented a Pretest and Posttest to gauge student learning and assess if there was a significant difference, of which there was as the scores and results of the Likert Scale analysis of the results both rose upwards. The researcher also released a questionnaire to ask students and teachers for their opinions and criticisms concerning the material given. Most of the respondents were immensely positive and highlighted that the gamification style was different, versatile, and more interactive than those that they are used to in the conventional setting. Gamification allows them to learn lessons they haven’t studied before and review lessons that they may have forgotten in the previous years all while having fun and reminiscing the magic of playing games in their free time.


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