Traditional Guided Lab Activities in the Physics Laboratory of Engineering Institutions in Kathmandu District of Nepal
Pankaj Sharma Ghimire | Krishna Shrestha
Discipline: Education
Laboratory activities play a crucial role in the conceptual understanding of the
theoretical aspects of physics. Traditional guided lab activities emphasize a teachercentric pedagogical approach in which learners are merely passive recipients of the
content knowledge as delivered by the teacher. The authors in their professional
journey at engineering institutions were also guided by the traditional laboratory
approach in the teaching and learning process inside the physics laboratory. During
our professional journey at engineering institutions, we felt that students had
difficulty demonstrating the science process skills and employing the theoretical
aspects in real-world situations. The primary objective of this research was to explore
the lab activities inside the physics laboratory at diploma engineering institutions in
the Kathmandu district of Nepal. For this purpose, an ethnographic method was
employed in which multiple laboratory sessions were observed, and open-ended and
unstructured interviews were conducted with the research participants at different
locations through in-person and online processes. In addition, social constructivist
learning theory was utilized in this research process. The findings lead to the
conclusion that traditional guided laboratory activities prevailed inside the physics
lab of those institutions under study
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