HomeIAMURE International Journal of Social Sciencesvol. 4 no. 1 (2012)

Building Students’ Avoidance Behavior in Plagiarism through Appreciative Pedagogy

Ethelbert P. Dapiton

Discipline: Education, Psychology, Social Science



The pressing issue of plagiarism in academia pervaded the very fiber of ethical behavior among students. Plagiarism detection software may only go as far as detecting strings of words that were copied from the Net; nevertheless, the problem still remains apparent due to lack of students’ affective ability to comprehend the consequences of plagiarism and its underlying ethical misdemeanor. Appreciative pedagogy was introduced in this context to permeate among students’ mindset the importance of directing the teaching-learning process into a track of profound collective thought to create a positive image of an ideal pedagogical mechanism impressing among students what is right and appropriate. Appreciative pedagogy is a creative method to solve the problem of plagiarism that touches the foundation of the issue rather than merely treating the problem at its tip. It is expected that through appreciative pedagogy of elucidating plagiarism and its consequences, students will have a better output away from the usual copy-paste behavior. The recent development of plagiarism detection software is a good initiative to distinguish copied works from the original, however, it would only gone that far enough. Without affecting the value system of the students about the consequences of plagiarism the issue will never stop.