HomeThe Trinitian Student Researchervol. 4 no. 1 (2012)

Job Commitment of Non-Teaching Personnel

Michael Andrew Cabote | Leonida Malijan | Eugene Medalla | Melart Medina | Krystel Anne Reyes

Discipline: Business



The study determined the job commitment of the non-teaching personnel of a school in Metro Manila. The study utilized survey questionnaires to determine the job commitment of employees in terms of affective, normative, and continuance domain.


The non-teaching personnel ‘strongly agree’ that they were committed to the organization in terms of affective and normative domains while they only ‘agree’ in terms of continuance domain. The non-teaching personnel strongly desire to remain with the organization and believe in what the organization espouses. They agree that remaining in the organization would depend on how their commitment to the school would affect their life once they leave the organization.


Of all the variables studied only income affects the job commitment of the employees.

All Comments (1)

Lotte gurl
6 months ago

Where is the full article