HomeMabini Review Journalvol. 9 no. 1 (2020)

Visualizing Community: Images of Poverty in a Philippine Rural Community

Joseph Viray | Raul Roland Sebastian | Nelson Baun | Ronillo Viray

Discipline: Education



The study zeroed in on the perception of college students who are exposed to sights of poverty in their immediate environment. The student-participants were asked to provide their perception, understanding, and behaviour towards poverty using the photographs that they took on their own. In qualitative research practice, this methodology is called photo elicitation. It was revealed, among others, that the participants have shown negative perceptions about poverty. They strongly felt bad about each photograph that they took and what these images portrayed. The participants visualized their community and thereby weaved analyses and opinions that encroached on various philosophical and sociological theories. There are four interrelated dominant images that were drawn: exteriority image, dirt-poor image, victim-blaming image, and hand-to-mouth image


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