HomeMabini Review Journalvol. 12 no. 1 (2023)

A Hegelian Approach to Environmental Philosophy

Mary Sarah Angoluan

Discipline: Philosophy



Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel has been known as one of the philosophers that does not promote environmentalism as most of his works were focused on Nature vis-à-vis Spirit implies anthropocentrism. Hegel was considered a champion of the unqualified industrial exploitation of nature. But recently, researchers deemed that Hegel’s philosophy can accommodate the problems related to environmental philosophy. Hence, this paper will focus on the potentiality of Hegel’s use in Environmentalism, in agreement with Nicholas Mowad’s work The Natural World Spirit : Hegel on the Value of Nature (2012), Alison Stone’s work Petrified Intelligence (2005), and Wendell Kisner’s work The Category of Life, Mechanistic Reduction, and the Uniqueness of Biology (2008). This paper agrees that there are only limited things to which anthropocentrism can be applied in nature and that there is still some essence of nature into which we can know and are true, not being influenced by human phenomena. Thus, the paper holds that it is the concept of Consciousness holds the key to how we can aid environmentalism through Hegel, with our capability of knowing the true nature of the environment, we can then help with aiding the environmental crisis.


  1. Mowad, Nicholas. 2012. “The Natural World of Spirit: Hegel on the Value of Nature.” Environmental Philosophy 47-66.
  2. Stone, Alison. 2005. Petrified Intelligence. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  3. Wood, Val Plum. 1993. Feminism and the Mastery of Nature. London: Routledge.
  4. Zizek, Slavoj. 2009. Mythology, Madness and Laughter in German Idealism.London: Continuum Publishing Group.
  5. Kisner, Wendell. 2008. “The Category of Life, Mechanistic Reduction and the Uniqueness of Biology.” Cosmos and History: The Journal and Social Philosophy 4 (1-2): 113-153.
  6. Kisner, Wendell. 2009. “A species-based environmental ethic in Hegel’s Logic of life.” Researchgate 1-68.
  7. Akomolafe, Akinola Mohammed, and Olusegun Steven Samuel. 2014. “Hegel’s idealism and environmental holism.” Journal of environment and earth science 4 (12): 26-34.
  8. Hegel, Friedrich Wilhelm. 1986. The Philosophical Propaedeutics. Edited by M. George and A. Vincent. Translated by A.Miller. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  9. Hegel, Friedrich Wilhelm. 1869. “Outlines of Hegel’s Philosophy.” Journal of Speculative Philosphy 166-174.
  10. Stewart, Jon, ed. 1996. The Hegel myths and legends. Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
  11. Schopenhauer, Arthur. 2001. Parerga and paralipomena short philosophical essays. New york: Oxford University Press.
  12. Rockmore, Tom. 2002. “Hegel, Analytic Philosophy and Realism.” HegelStudien 37: 123-138.