HomeDinsulanvol. 1 no. 1 (2022)



Discipline: English studies



This research focuses on determining the language use and style patterns of Doublespeak materialized in Philippine Healthcare Video Advertisements. Initially, the study utilized William Lutz’s Four Category of Doublespeak, to distinguish the type of doublespeak employed on the subjects; Semantic Environment, to assess the context of the materials; and Paul Simpson’s Level of Stylistic Analysis, to determine prevalent stylistic patterns of Doublespeak in the corpus of advertisements. The results indicate that the Healthcare Advertisement aired alongside primetime shows of the two major broadcasting stations, notably GMA and TV5, are categorized under Gobbledygook and Inflated Language. It appeared that the video materials either use a Narrator or a Celebrity Endorser to impart the message of the advertisement. Moreover, the physical environment and psychological aspects of the video material vary largely depending on the product. Generally, the portrayed emotions change to show and highlight the benefits of using a product, emphasizing before and after effects. Furthermore, the intent or meaning of the subjects is predominantly evident in the language, context, and emotion used on the materials. Intermittently, advertisements convey superiority, effectiveness, and quality. The analysis revealed that the advertisements applied stylistic features in relation to Graphological, Phonological, and Morphological Levels. The subjects have traces of Foregrounding, Assonance, Alliteration, Consonance, and Blending Words. Therefore, based on the findings the researchers came up with the conclusion that the advertising employ a variety of conventions and forms of stylization. That is why, in order to protect consumers and audiences, against false, deceptive, and misleading advertisement, they must be mindful enough to perceive deceptiveness in materials. The researchers also recommend that the authorities, government, the television or media channels, should pay attention on the regulation of advertising content and practices and review or critique the performance of advertisers on a regular basis.


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