HomeEducation Reviewvol. 9 no. 1 (2015)

Developing a Model for Planning and Implementing Nutrition Education Programs in Philippine Settings

Adela Jamorabo-Ruiz | Virginia Serraon-Claudio

Discipline: Education



Nutrition education is essential for the public to achieve and maintain optimal nutritional health. Considerable evidence supports effectiveness of nutrition education in changing dietary intake to reduce risk factors for disease. The study presents the development of a model to enable nutrition educators to address the various concerns of patients and client groups. Using the five phases of development: needs assessment, preliminary planning and decision making, developing philosophy, goals and objectives, developing content, and writing; a core group of experts representing different fields of nutrition specialization had a series of consultation-meetings, exchanges of literature finds and conferences maximizing use of ICT. The output was a Nutrition Education Planning Cycle consisting of six stages arranged in a cycle. The model was utilized by the authors for Nutrition Education: Principles, Approaches and Strategies, a textbook for Nutrition majors and allied professionals doing Nutrition Education activities. Sharing what has been learned from implementing a nutrition education program through a short paper for nutrition, public health, medical, and health education journals; and technical paper for presentation at national, regional or local meetings is emphasized. Letting others know about the program may prompt them to describe similar experiences, lessons, new ideas, or potential resources for further programs.


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