HomePAPSCU Excellent Academic Research Link (PEARL) Bulletin vol. 3 no. 3 (2023)

Getting A Grasp of the Experiences of Volunteer Student-Teachers in Dreams Day Care Center: A Phenomenographic Probe

Bernardo C. Lunar

Discipline: Education



This study probed the lived experiences of the student-teachers as they go through volunteer teaching for pre-school learners at the DREAMS Day Care Center. These 2 female volunteer students- teachers are sophomore Generalist Elementary Education students and a BS Education- Filipino major student. This phenomenography was conducted before the onset of the current pandemic in San Pablo Colleges, Laguna, Philippines SY 2019-2020. The researcher investigated the student teachers’ experiences using the ORID Model of Focused Conversation. Based on subjects’ account of their experiences, it was found that the volunteers are on the same page, they are aware of their roles and are one in this journey, discovering and learning which took the participants into different realizations during the rendering of service. Delving deeper into the experiences, they developed a greater understanding of the teaching profession, leading them to grasp the importance of early childhood education. The experience, having impacted their lives, they are propelled to take positive actions because the experiences led them to appreciate young learners and the teaching profession. Their experiences are linked, as the learning outcomes and gains align with their evaluation of how theoretical learning matches with actual experience. Lessons are captured, reflections are expressed, and realizations are articulated to convey the totality of their experience


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