HomePAPSCU Excellent Academic Research Link (PEARL) Bulletin vol. 3 no. 3 (2023)

Correlation of MAED Students’ Performance in Comprehensive Examinations and Academic Performance in Professional And Basic Courses

Melanie M. Santos | Ramadan D.C De Jesus

Discipline: Education



This study attempted to correlate the Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) students’ comprehensive examination performance and their academic performance in professional and basic courses. The researchers used the comprehensive exam scores of the students and their individual grades in their professional and basic courses. Twenty-eight (28) MAEd, major in Educational Management and 19 MAEd, major in English served as the respondents of the study. The researchers used the descriptive-correlational research design to explore the relationship between variables. It has been found that there is a significant relationship between the academic performance of MAEd students in their professional and basic courses and their comprehensive examination scores.


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