HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 1 (2023)

Spending Habits of Public Elementary School Teachers

Jose Danilo Bante

Discipline: Education



This study was designed to determine the spending habits of public elementary school teachers. Descriptive-survey and descriptive-comparative research type design were utilized through a selfdevised questionnaire which was administered to 21 teachers of the locale of the study. The results revealed that respondents agreed that they often spend on work-related expenses such as classroom supplies and instructional materials. Many of the respondents have formal and informal borrowings but not all of them are regularly paying. They are seldom allotting a portion of their income for savings. In spite of failure to pay debts regularly and low savings, respondents are still seldom spending on leisure activities and charitable works. This study suggests that teachers should participate in the spending wellness for them to acquire proper spending management ideas. This also recommends that school should help teachers reduce financial distress by providing ample resources for classroom needs of teachers.


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