HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 2 (2023)

Effective Strategies: Revealing School Heads Leadership Practices and Their Impact on the Student’s Success

Vivian Llana

Discipline: Education



This study tried to determine the effective strategies of school heads in their leadership of the selected school principals from Daraga North District and Camalig South District.The descriptive – survey method of research was used utilizing a questionnaire through printed copy, sending via email and messenger of the respondents. There were 5 school heads selected as respondents from the public elementary schools in Daraga North and Camalig South District in the Division of Albay. Based from the respondent`s answer all of them practiced Participative, Democratic and Transformational leadership style. They believed that this kind of leadership contributes a huge impact on students’ high performance and reach the utmost success. Findings revealed that, in order to achieve and maintain the student`s success and good performance of the school and to become an effective and competent leader, one must possess a good leadership style where subordinates follow. The key for achieving student`s success and having a better school performance, is having a better leadership style of a school principal. As well as teachers who are effectively working the task as a teacher, making the learners as the top priority, cooperative, and enthusiastic.


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