HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 2 (2023)

5Bs (Bawat Bata Sa Bangsamoro Ay Bumabasa at Bumibilang) Program: Its Impact to the Reading Ability of the Frustrated Readers

Jennilyn Galilea | Arnel Pradia | Lydia Bawa

Discipline: Education



Reading plays a pivotal role in the growth and development of children. It is the cornerstone for enhancing a learner's comprehension while allowing them to explore and discover diverse concepts and ideas across various domains of knowledge. This study delved to assess the impact of the 5Bs Program on the reading abilities of frustrated readers at Nabalawag High School, Midsayap, BARMM. A mixed method approach was employed in this study in which diagnostic and final assessments were conducted to track progress, and interviews were held with teacher volunteers, learning buddies, and frustrated readers to extract information regarding the effectiveness of the program.The findings revealed that before the program, grade 7 frustrated readers were at various low reading levels, including Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3. However, significant improvements were observed after program implementation. Teacher volunteers accentuated that tutorial sessions, peer tutoring, teacher interventions, reading materials provision, practice reading, and group activities contributed to these improvements. Learning buddies emphasized the value of tutorial sessions, peer tutoring, reading materials, modelled reading strategies, practice, and encouragement. Students acknowledged tutorial sessions, peer tutoring, and illustrated books as insightful and indispensable. In conclusion, the 5Bs Program positively impacted frustrated readers' reading abilities, with tutorial sessions and peer tutoring playing key roles. The use of reading materials, modelled reading, practice, and encouragement were also effective strategies. Recommendations include sustaining the program, providing additional teachers to struggling schools, hiring reading teachers, and emphasizing tutorial sessions and teacher training for reading enhancement. Additionally, promoting peer tutoring and active participation of frustrated readers in tutorial sessions is essential for continued improvement.


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