HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 3 (2023)

The Perceptions of Cyberbullied Student–Victims on Cyberbullying and Their Life Satisfaction

Alnoury Cauring | Celine Mohammad | Reneth Jade Bataga |  Kassandra Saracho

Discipline: Education



Cyberbullying has long been a concern of youth advocates which number around increased mainly due to too much spending on the social media platform. Recently, it has dominated the headlines as a major current-day adolescent challenge. This paper examined the perceptions of cyberbullied student-victims in cyberbullying and their life satisfaction. A descriptive survey research design was utilized in this study using the two modified survey questionnaires from Olweus and Huebuer et al. Results revealed that 70% of cyberbullied student-victims experienced bullying on Facebook/messenger. It also showed that the majority of them (58%) that their friends were their trusted persons to talk about their cyberbullying experiences. In conclusion, student-victims have negative experiences in cyberbullying which it gives an impact that they were equally satisfied and dissatisfied with their life but mostly satisfied with their residency due to their family who made them feel safe and loved.


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