HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 4 (2023)

Challenges and Opportunities Experienced by Junior and Senior High School Students Amidst Pandemic and Their Emotional Readiness in Attending Full-Blown Face-to-Face Class

Yzzel Agorilla-Sario

Discipline: Education



This research sought to delve into the multifaceted experiences of the junior and senior high school students of selected municipalities of Isabela amidst the pandemic. The study is based on qualitative methodologies to explore in depth the compelling discourses of the students on their life experiences as reflected in in-depth interviews, focus groups, and open- ended questionnaires. Thus, it looks into different phases of their journey and the knowledge they have acquired during the pandemic, especially during the limited face-to-face classes. It also highlights stories of students who found innovative ways to overcome obstacles, adapt to the virtual learning environment, and develop new skills, revealing their hopes, anxieties, and expectations concerning safety and social interactions as they transition back to full-blown face-to-face classes. The study revealed that their experiences prepare them emotionally for the total return of face-to-face classes and makes them eager to fully go back with in-person classes. Moreover, even if COVID-19 threatened education, it also showed the students' resilience and devotion as they conquered the educational paradigm shift in the new normal despite the gap provided by the digital divide.


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