HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 4 (2023)

Assessment of the Academic Performance of 4p’s Pupils Beneficiaries of Sultan Ali Dimaporo Integrated School: Basis for Remediation Program

Angelie Maunga | Norhaifah Pido | Norjalil Pido | Joan Macud | Graciosa Chavez | Letecia Yapac

Discipline: Education



This study investigated and assessed how the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) affects the academic performance of Grade VI pupils at Sultan Ali Dimaporo Memorial Integrated School. A total of 180 pupils were used as respondents in this study. It also determined the respondents’ profile in terms of age, gender, parents’ occupation, educational attainment, monthly income, monthly assistance from 4Ps, pupil allowance from parents, financial support, and study habits and learning style. The study used descriptive and quantitative methods of research. The data gathered were statistically treated using frequency and percentage distribution, weighted mean, and chi-square to determine the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The result showed that the pupil’s profile in terms of age, gender, parent’s occupation, parent’s educational attainment, parent’s monthly income, parent’s monthly assistance from 4P’s, pupil’s daily allowance, and pupil’s financial support is not significant to the academic performance of the pupil. Although parents’ monthly income did not affect the pupils' performance, the researcher recommends that incomegenerating projects for the parents be implemented to help alleviate their economic status. Moreover, as to the study habits of the respondents, there is a significant correlation with their performance. Manifested that the pupils had fair study habits with a significant correlation to the pupils' performance. Furthermore, for the learning styles of respondents, they were visual learners. This means that they can perform well if they can see what they are going to do. As regards the pupils' academic performance, most of them got very good grades; hence, with regard to relationship results, the pupil's profile and financial support were found to be insignificantly related to their academic performance, while learning styles and study habits were found to be significantly related to the performance of the respondents, and the rest of the variables showed no significant difference. The results showed that the learning style and academic performance of the pupil were not affected. However, it is recommended that teachers use different teaching techniques and strategies to accommodate the different learning styles of the learners. Thus, administrators should push personal and professional growth among the teachers to address the diverse types of learners and to compete in a globally changing society.


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