HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 5 (2023)


Jhoanna Grace Opeña | Edgar Olua

Discipline: Education



The study focused on the work-related stress among National Irrigation Administration (NIA) employees. The study determined the work-related stress experienced by the employees and the coping strategies of the employees to reduce or avoid stress in the workplace. The qualitative method of research was used in this study. Findings showed that work-related stress is a common experience among employees at the National Irrigation Administration (NIA). The most common stressors include pressure in meeting deadlines, co-worker-related stress, document preparation, and excessive workload. Meanwhile, the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) employees implemented coping strategies to reduce work-related stress, such as having personal time, having time with colleagues/ family/ friends, focusing on work, and being calm and optimistic. Moreover, the study recommended that the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) administrators adopt the proposed program of activities crafted by the researcher to reduce work-related stress by the employees and collaboratively work with the employees in crafting programs/ activities that will continuously reduce stress in the workplace.


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