HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 5 (2023)


Rizalyn Gallarin | Edgar Olua

Discipline: Education



The study aimed to determine the level of implementation of career guidance program in MEGA high schools under the Schools Division Office of Pangasinan II in terms of orientation, learning Materials, portfolio, counseling and consultation and curriculum exit tracking system. The study utilized the use of both quantitative and qualitative type of research specifically descriptive research design. The respondents were all the 123 grade 12 teachers in 20 mega schools participated in the study. Survey questionnaire and interview were personally distributed and online floating of questionnaires and interview was also facilitated due to the busy schedule of some teachers. The results showed that the extent of the implementation of Career Guidance Program (CGP) in MEGA high schools under the schools division office of Pangasinan II is “Implemented” along orientation, learning materials, portfolio, counseling and consultation, and curriculum exit tracking system. Meanwhile, the guidance designates encountered challenges in the implementation of Career Guidance Program (CGP) such as lack of student participation during orientation, limited learning materials related to Career Guidance Program, incomplete portfolio of students, limited knowledge of guidance designates about counseling and consultation, and difficulty in implementing exit tracking.


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