HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 8 (2023)


Resheena Bantas | Rosemarie Josue

Discipline: Education



This quasi-experimental study aimed to devise a teaching-learning tool referred to here as a TeacherMade Mobile Application Module (TEACH-MMAM) and investigated its effects on the academic performance of the STEM-ED Junior High School students of Lebak Legislated National High School. Of the 127 participants, 63 composed the control group and 64 for the experimental group. Subsequently, teacher-made tests were conducted in the Research Courses I, II, III, and IV, particularly on the 4th quarter topics, and t-tests were used to determine the significant differences between and among the pre-test, post-test, and the mean gain scores. The results showed that the participants from both groups improved their academic performance after their exposure to the different teaching-learning processes. The experimental group’s mean score of 9.17 showed significantly greater academic performance compared to the control group’s mean score of 4.71. Although both the control and experimental groups showed a significant increase from their pre-tests to post-tests, the TEACH-MMAM for the experimental group of Junior High School students greatly improved their learning performance compared to the control group. The recently devised TEACHMMAM is highly effective in teaching Research Courses I, II, III, and IV for the participating Junior High School students.


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