HomeLAMDAGvol. 8 no. 1 (2017)

ALS Learners’ Learning Styles: Basis for Enhanced Strategies to Improve FLT Results

Pedrito L. Galleros, Jr.



This study investigated the learning styles of Alternative Learning System Learners. It was conducted at a rehabilitation center for youth. The pre-test and post-test experimental design was used with sixteen Accreditation and Equivalency (A&EI elementary and nineteen A&E Secondary learners. The VARK Questionnaire (2009) by Neil Fleming was adopted for the study. The enhanced strategies developed to improve the score of Functional literacy Test are Classroom Museum, the Round Table Discussion, Pasa Bola, French Fries, Music Bar, Run to the Board, Practical Work Approach (PWA), Trail, Learning Stations and Clay Models. Moreover, there is a significant difference between the means of pre-test and post-test. The study concluded that the trend of learning styles is the kinesthetic learning style where they learn best by doing, real experiences, concrete examples, case studies, fieldtrips, laboratory experiment and other activities related to movement and applications.


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