HomeDangal Research Journalvol. 2 no. 1 (2020)

Multi-Commodity Dryer Cabinet with PID Control and Notification

Jason A Armendares | Jake P Penino | Karl Angelo R Reyes | Florante Andaya | Marielle M. Cabal

Discipline: Mechanical Engineering



Drying is a process where it is very applicable to agricultural products. The process removes the moisture content and reduces the bacterial growth in the products. It is helpful for preserving the products for a long period of time. Open air solar drying method is used frequently to dry the agricultural and fishery products even before cooking. This method has many disadvantages such as spoil products due to rain, wind, dust, insect infestation, animal attack and fungi. To avoid disadvantages from the usual sun drying it is necessary to use an economical and convenient food dryer. A dryer that can used in different kinds of weather and operated even if there is no electricity because some of the rural areas has no access of electricity. The design project MultiCommodity Dryer Cabinet with PID Control and Notification aims to provide an economical and convenient food dryer to the entrepreneurs, rural farmers and fisheries and to the future researchers. The project intends to create a closed loop food dryer that will ensure its quality and prevent from contamination. The system also usestwo modes, off-grid and on-grid mode that can operate in different kinds of weather. The dryer has been fabricated by locally available and low-cost materials. The dryer made of stainless steel, has an insulation inside and a solar air heater that is used in offgrid mode.


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