HomeDangal Research Journalvol. 2 no. 1 (2020)

Design and Development of Web-based Cooperative Management System

Mark Joseph F Amparo | Carlo C Inandan | Ronalyn Joy M Sardañas

Discipline: information systems



A cooperative is an self -governing and dully registered a s so ciation o r enterprises o wned, control and run by its m em ber to realise their comm on econom ic, social, and cultural need s and aspirations b y contributing to the capital required, patronizing their products and services. A cooperative lik e Pam antasan ng Ca buyao Multi-purpo se Cooperative is still pra cticing paperbased transaction which leads them to a large probability of losing im portant docum ents, long pro cessing tim e and difficulty in retrieving data. This study was p roposed to develop a web -based applica tion that will handle the sales transa ction and produce a ccurate com putations in all transaction o f paym ents and loans. By using a computerized system , the cooperative can ensures that all transactions, reports and other docum ents relating to inventory and loans are unifo rm in their presentation, regardless of who has created them . The proponents used the d escriptive type of resea rch m ethod to gather data and tell what exists about a certain organizational occurrence. Descriptive m ethod will help the proponents to gather inform ation about present existing conditions of the organization under study. It determ ines and reports the way things are. It has no control over what is, and it can only m easure wha t alread y exists. Its comm on m eans of obtaining inform at ion will includ e the use of questionnaire, personal interviews with the aid of stud y guide and observations. As the researchers d evelo ped the proposed system , they have disco vered that there are still problem s left to the g eneral p rocess of the cooperativ e but still this study revealed that the proposed Cooperative Managem ent System for the Pam antasan ng Cabuyao multi -purpose cooperative would b e very beneficial to ease transa ctions in the multi -purpose cooperative for both m em bers and staff.


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