HomeDangal Research Journalvol. 3 no. 1 (2021)

A Circular Economy: Development of Solar Panel Dismantling and Photovoltaic Cell Recycling Facility in the Philippines

Claire R Faraon | Christine Roselle T Isiang | Angelica D Llones | Odezza Sophia D Autos | Jennifer A Rey | Mariner H Villanueva | Marincho B Monsanto Jr | Sarah C Vanguardia

Discipline: Mechanical Engineering



According to a study, when solar panels reach their end-of-life, which is in 25-30 years, no actual and concrete plans are presented on how to dispose (or reuse) the solar panel properly. K Tasnia, S Begum, Z Tasnim and MZR Khan explained that, as the PV power generation is increasing with time, so will the quantity of obsolete PV panels. Correct management and utilization will at a time defend our surroundings from being impure by the PV-waste, additionally it will support respectable price creation by adding support to our economy. This paper introduces the potential solution for the expected solar panel disposal and pollution after its end-of-life cycle. The dismantling and recycling facility has no existing competitors and is the first facility in the Philippines that can offer the said service. To prove its feasibility, the researchers have considered the technical, marketing, management, and financial aspect of the subject. The facility is located at the centroid of highest producing solar panel manufacturers and farms in the Philippines. Furthermore, its financial analysis shows that the facility will have a return of investment at fifty-four percent with a payback period of one-year and three hundred twentyeight days. The quantitative results indicate the feasibility of the development of solar panel dismantling and PV cell recycling facility in all aspect of the study.


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