HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 4 (2024)

Describing Syntactic Errors in Written Works of Grade 8 Students in English - A Phenomenological Study

Jhonnel A Tizon | Jasmin Dela Cruz

Discipline: Education



This research aims to unravel the syntactic errors of the grade 8 learners of the OP-Siena school in Bulacan. The researchers use the phenomenological method, which is a qualitative method in research. An interview was utilized to gather the data needed for this research. The respondents were chosen purposively following the criteria set by the researchers. The study revealed that the usual written activity that students must accomplish is essay writing; the common error their teacher primarily identified is the error in using prepositions. The students also perceived the reason for their errors as psychological factors such as anxiety; they also recognized the environmental factors such as noise, not having enough time to accomplish their writing activity and the teachers' instruction delivery. It is recommended that learners should be given enough time to do a written activity like an essay, further stated by the study of Zafar (2023). Though essay writing can enhance the learner's paragraphing and vocabulary, it requires enough time; learners need most lessons to outline their ideas and, on average, two lessons to complete their essays. It also helps them to plan and organize their ideas during the allotted time. It is also recommended to attend to the needs of the learners, ensure an environment where they do not have to feel anxiety when asking a question, and celebrate every success of the students.


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