HomeScience Asia Reviewvol. 5 no. 1 (2022)

LINGUA: An Interactive Chavacano Language Training for Kids

Delia Ruxanna Ismael | Cenie Vilela-Malabanan



This study describes the development, testing, and evaluation of LINGUA - a computer-aided language learning material piloted for Grade 1 pupils learning the Chavacano language. This multimedia material followed the ADDIE Design Model. Evaluation of the program was made by 5 teachers from different subject areas. Pre and posttests were carried out among 30 pupils. Data were analyzed statistically. The findings revealed that the exposure of the pupils to computer-aided instruction in speaking Chavacano is an effective tool for enhancing the pupils' reading ability and comprehension based on their pretest and post scores. For gender, the data imply that both male and female pupils have scored better in the post-tests after their exposure to computer-aided instruction in speaking Chavacano. Results also showed that the pupils' age has no significant bearing on their fluency in speaking Chavacano after their exposure to computeraided instruction. For ethnicity and dialectspoken, data show that the respondents do not differ in their post-test scores. The results of teachers’ evaluation of the program indicate that the verbal description is very high with an overall weighted mean of 4.67. The evaluation made was particular of instructional content, instructional design, ease of use, management, motivation, and technical aspect.


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