HomeInternational Social Science Reviewvol. 5 no. 1 (2022)

Administrative Skills and Work Ethics of School Heads: Basis for Effective Management

Geraldine Tablate



This study aimed to determine the factors contributing to the administrative skills and work ethics as bases for effective management. Specifically, it sought to answer four research questions; the extent of the administrative skills and work ethics of the school heads of the higher institutions in Zamboanga Sibugay Province in terms of personal behavior, leadership and supervisory factors, environmental, social competence and skills and intellectual;the extent of the work ethics of the school heads; the significant relationship between administrative skills and work ethics of the school heads; the intervention design to enhance the administrative skills of the school heads of the higher education institution in Ipil Zamboanga Sibugay Province. This study was guided by a null hypothesis tested at .05 level of significance which states that there is no significant difference in the extent of the identified factors that contribute to the administrative skills and work ethics of the school heads when the data were analyzed according to the different factors. This is essentially a quantitative –correlation research design which aims to determine the extent of the following factors contributing to the administrative skills and work ethics of the school heads of the educational institutions. The respondents were the administrator /managers of four colleges and universities in IpilZamboanga Sibugay Province. Universidad de Zamboanga- Ipil Campus, Marian College, Dr. Aurelio Mendoza Memorial Colleges and Western Mindanao State University, Extension. They were asked to answer a questionnaire to rate the extent of the different factors contributing to the administrative skills and work ethics of the school heads in terms of personal behavior, leadership and supervisory, environmental, social competence, skills and intellectual ability.


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