HomeInternational Social Science Reviewvol. 6 no. 1 (2022)

Transcending the Human Self: The Impact of Certificate Course in Community Engagement and Organizing towards a Selected Community Extensionists in the Philippines

Melanie Turingan



In a collaboration between Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) and larger communities for partnership and reciprocity, there is also a need to develop a genuine partnership between the staff of a HEI and a community group to recognize that academic goals (learning and research) and community goals (capacity-building for change and improvement) are beneficial to both, and to find these partnerships on a reciprocal exchange of information with mutual respect for the expertise and knowledge that all parties bring.) Thus, this exploratory research study aimed at determining the impact of the Certificate Course on Community Engagement and Organizing offered by the University of Santo Tomas SIMBAHAYAN Community Development Office and Center for Continuing Profession and Development in partnership with the Commission on Higher Education to selected participants who served as community extension workers from HEI’s. Eight (8) participants who underwent the training were selected as subjects of this research. Lippitt, Watson, and Wesley’s Theory of Planned Change (1958) is used as the basis for interpreting the results which showed the change underwent by the participants guided by the change agent, the Certificate Course that they participated.


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