HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 2 (2023)

School Heads’ Leadership Practices in Relation to the Teachers’ Morale in the Public Secondary Schools of Lopez East and West Districts

Adelaido Pinawin

Discipline: Education



The impact of school heads' leadership on the morale of teachers in the public secondary schools in the Lopez East and West Districts was examined in this study conducted in 2021–2022. It used statistical tests (Pearson product-moment correlation, Wilcoxon Mann Whitney U Test), frequency counts, percentages, rankings, weighted means, and descriptive-evaluative- inferential-correlational methods with purposive sampling. Teachers' morale ranked highest in curriculum issues. Data was acquired via a self-made questionnaire, which revealed professional qualities and development as the key leadership practices, deemed 'Much Practiced'. The study came to the conclusion that school administrators actively exercise leadership qualities including professional growth and attributes. The null hypothesis was supported by the significant differences observed in school leadership, administration, and human resources but not in instructional leadership, student-centred atmosphere, parent involvement, or community leadership. Despite the fact that teachers had good morale, there were noticeable disparities in morale, which refutes the null hypothesis. Remarkably, there was no discernible correlation found between the morale of teachers and the leadership styles of school administrators.


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