HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 4 (2023)

Crisis Management Skills, Leadership Practices and School Effectiveness in Higher Education Institutions in Region XI: A Convergent Design

Princess Fe Deliva

Discipline: Education



This research employed a mixed methods utilizing a convergent design, to examine the relationship between crisis management skills, leadership practices and school effectiveness as assessed by college teachers coming from private HEIs in Region XI. Quantitative data was collected through the utilization of adapted survey questionnaires, while qualitative data was obtained through in-depth interviews (IDI) and focus group discussions (FGD). Results showed that the level of crisis management skills leadership practices and school effectiveness are high. Furthermore, the study revealed that crisis management skills and leadership practices significantly influenced school effectiveness. In the qualitative phase of the study, six essential themes were formed based on the lived experiences of the participants as regards crisis management skills, leadership practices, and school effectiveness, and these were: concrete graduate output, calmness, responsiveness to the signs of time, fostering collaboration, the right attitude in solving crises, and support and monitoring. Whereas six themes were also generated for the role of experiences in shaping the beliefs and attitudes towards school's effectiveness: transformative belief, total trust, and support from the institution; fostering relevant attitudes; student success-driven attitudes; willful mindset; and continuance commitment. The results for corroborating the quantitative and qualitative data produced merging-converging results.


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