HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 3 (2023)

The English Language Needs of a Technical Vocational Institution

Mary Joy Tividad

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to determine the English language needs of the students, alumni, teachers, and administrators of Valenzuela City Polytechnic College (VCPC) and how the participants perceived the need in offering an English Course. The data in this thesis were drawn from two main sources: Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Interviews. Out of the (15) fifteen participants, eight (8) were undergraduate students, two freshmen (2) are taking Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTEd) and the sophomores to seniors (6) are taking Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE) from a Technical Vocational Institution (TVI) located in District II of Valenzuela City, three (3) were the alumni, two (2) were English teachers, and two (2) were administrators. Findings revealed that the participants’ perceptions about the English language needs in VCPC revolved on oral/verbal communication, grammar, writing, pronunciation, correct usage of words, reading comprehension, spelling, lack of confidence or motivation, communication in the workplace, English Language Proficiency, and English Language Teaching. Meanwhile, the participants’ elaboration regarding the English language needs in VCPC presented negative effects such as lack of confidence among the students, lack of interest/lack of learning materials, poor reading comprehension, lack of knowledge of the English language; the use of Mother Tongue/Bilingualism, and the need to address the negative effects revealed. As to the perceptions about the need in offering an English Course, the participants answered that that there is a need to offer an English course focusing on work-related purposes, creation of policy, beneficial to students and school, and specific lessons or topics to focus on. The results clearly revealed that there are underlying needs encountered and experienced by students and other stakeholders in Technical Vocational Institutions.This study adduced policy implements and curriculum planners to address the English language needs of TLE students in Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) to improve English Language Learning (ELL) and English Language Teaching (ELT) in the Philippines.


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