HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 1 (2023)

Financial Stress and Help-Seeking Behavior of Public School Secondary Teachers: Bases for a Financial Management Counseling Plan

Kimverlee Paje | Alex Palmes

Discipline: Psychology



A person’s financial management skills are reflected through one’s capacity to manage his/her finances. If finances are mismanaged, financial stress may occur, and help-seeking behavior is manifested.Thus, this study aimed to find out the financial stress and help-seeking behavior of teachers as bases for a financial management counselling plan. The study utilized descriptive correlation type of research and a validated survey questionnaire was used to gather data. There were 60 public school teachers who served as respondents and answered the survey questionnaire. Frequency, mean and Pearson R correlation were the statistical tools employed to analyze the findings. Results revealed that the financial stressed experienced by the teachers is at mild to moderate level; while their help-seeking behavior is manifested almost all the time. Financial stress significantly differs when respondents are grouped in terms of family size. Financial goals and Income sources as financial stress indicators have significant relationship with help-seeking behavior. In conclusion, the teachers exhibit mild level of financial stress and tend to resort to helpseeking behavior to deal with the stressful situation. It is therefore recommended that financial management counselling plan be included in the school learning action cell tofurther help teachers cope with their financial stress.


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