HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 3 (2023)

Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) for Grade 9 Mathematics

 Ligaya Batarilan | Melody Lopez | Vanessa Villanueva | Nescie Gonzales | Kathyrine Timbal | Lanolie Grace Orias | Macy Ernestine Chua | Joan Alendajao | Juliet  Tandoy | Evelyn Figuracion

Discipline: Mathematics



Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) is a type of teaching strategy or remediation using the computer. CAI is interactive and can illustrate a concept through attractive animation, sound, and demonstration. It engages the students to learn at their own pace and work individually or problem solve in a group. CAI can provide immediate feedback and letting students know whether their answer is correct.This study determined the effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) in teaching Grade 9 Mathematics, Talamban National High School (TNHS), Cebu City, SY 2018- 2019. The findings served as basis of the proposed action plan. Specifically, the study looked into the pretest performances of the control and experimental groups; the posttest performances of the control and experimental groups; the significance of the differences between the pretest and posttest performances of the control and experimental groups; there significance of the difference in the mean gain performances of the control and experimental groups.The study utilized the quasi-experimental design with the use of a teacher-made test to gather data for analysis and interpretation. This study was conducted in Talamban National High School (TNHS) situated in Talamban, Cebu City. The research subjects of this study were the grade 9 students of Talamban National High School. Two sections were chosen as control and experimental groups of the study. This study utilized a teachermade test which was validated by the co-teachers and math coordinators. The test covered the topics on quadrilaterals. The test was comprised of a 40-item multiple choice type of test items. The researcher-made test was used in gathering data on the pretest and posttest performances of the research subjects. The study used frequency count, per cent, t-test for correlated samples, t- test for independent samples in summarizing, analyzing and interpreting the data.


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