HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 3 (2023)

Language Experiences of Filipino Teachers in New Mexico, USA: A Phenomenological Study

Joan Alendajao | Melody Lopez | Vanessa Villanueva | Nescie Gonzales |  Ligaya Batarilan | Lanolie Grace Orias | Macy Ernestine Chua | Juliet  Tandoy | Evelyn Figuracion | Kathyrine Timbal

Discipline: Education



The number of Filipino teachers abroad is growing every year; however, their experiences specially in their language encounters lacks sufficient published literature. This study aimed to explore the language experiences of Filipino teachers working abroad. These educators' language-related challenges have remained largely unexplored. This research delved into the language experiences of Filipino teachers in the United States, examining the barriers they faced and the strategies they used to overcome them. The study addressed misconceptions about English language learning and shed light on the realities of teaching in a foreign context. Data analysis and interpretation employed Colaizzi's method, a phenomenological approach to create a comprehensive description of the phenomenon. This method facilitated a deep understanding of participants' experiences and the identification of common themes and patterns. The study unveiled those Filipino teachers abroad, encountered sociolinguistic differences, such as cross-cultural adjustments. They experienced difficulties with pedagogical differences between the US and the Philippines. Language barriers emerged as a common challenge as they navigated new cultural and work environments. These challenges resulted in language anxiety. To alleviate these concerns, they relearned the language and modified their teaching techniques. This study's findings contribute to the development of improved English language learning strategies in the Philippines and provide valuable information for future research on Filipino teachers' experiences abroad. Furthermore, the results offer practical guidance for Filipino teachers considering international employment, helping them better prepare for and navigate the linguistic and cultural challenges they may face in their professional lives.


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