HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 7 (2023)

E-learning Experiences among College Students’ Readiness to Face-to-Face Instruction

Jaylor Sarona | Santie Arbie | Franz Liecel Cañete | Rochelle Escosio |  Jessa Mae Dablo

Discipline: Education



The purpose of this study was to determine the e-learning experiences of the third-year pre-service teachers in relation to their readiness for the transition to face-to-face instruction. Using a phenomenological research design, this study explored the challenges encountered by the third-year pre-service teacher in the conduct of the e-learning process and how they apply their experiences in their preparation for face-to-face instruction. Both e-learning and face-to-face setups have drawbacks like problems in the learning environment, a lack of resources, and even inconvenience among students, which the participants of the study have encountered. The findings revealed that the third-year pre-service teachers encountered difficulties during their e-learning process, such as poor internet connectivity and a lack of resources, personal drawbacks, and adjustments to the technology used. However, despite these challenges, the thirdyear pre-service teachers were able to cope with these changes during their e-learning process experiences through self-adjustment, self-discipline, collaboration with peers, a supportive environment, and knowing priorities. This implies that pre-service teachers, despite encountering difficulties during their e-learning experience, become more responsive students as a result of overcoming various obstacles and challenges.


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