HomeScience Asia Reviewvol. 7 no. 1 (2023)

Level of Awareness on Covid-19 Health Protocol Among Pharmacy Students

Zahida S. Ali | Shaira Y. Sakili | Intisar U. Sangkula



This study was conducted to determine the level of awareness of pharmacy students on COVID-19 health protocols. It distinctively answered the following questions: 1. What is the Level of Awareness of Pharmacy students on COVID-19 Health Protocols? 2. Is there a significant difference on the level of awareness on Health Protocols of Pharmacy students on their Demographic Profile? Weighted mean was used to determine the level of awareness of pharmacy students on COVID-19 health protocols. T-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to determine the significant difference in the level of awareness of pharmacy students on COVID-19 health protocols when grouped in terms of their demographic profile. The results show that the level of awareness of pharmacy students on COVID-19 health protocols has a graded mean of response of 4.04. It means that the level of awareness of pharmacy students on COVID-19 health protocols has high remarks which indicates that the respondents are moderately aware of the said health protocols. The findings also suggest that there is no significant difference in the level of awareness of pharmacy students on COVID-19 health protocols when grouped according to their ethnicity, address, year level, age, and gender.


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